Để hiểu hơn về quá trình học tập và làm việc của Giáo sư, xin mời bạn xem qua quá trình học tập và làm việc của ông bên dưới.
Gần đây, giáo sư Phạm Duy Nghĩa đã chuyển công tác từ khoa Luật, Đại học quốc gia Hà Nội về công tác tại khoa Luật - Đại học Kinh tế TP.HCM.
Hồ Quốc Nam
Nghia Duy Pham
Birth Date: October
25, 1965
Martial Status: Married,
Two Children
Home Address: 3/35/285
Doi Can, Hanoi, Vietnam
Mailing Address: Faculty of Law, Vietnam
National University Hanoi 144 Duong Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay,
Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel. +0084 (4) 754.8516; Fax: +0084 (4)
Position: Associate
Professor, Head of Business Law Department Faculty
of Law, Hanoi National University (VNU)
1991-Sept. 1992: Referendariat; Supreme Court Dresden, Germany
1988-May 1991: Ph.D. study
program; University of Leipzig, Germany. Ph.D. Thesis: Legal aspects of technology transfer through
international joint venture company
1988: LLB, University of Leipzig; Diplomjurist, magna
cum laude
1984: German course and
Pre-university course; Martin Luther University, Halle
Wittenberg, Germany
Sept.1982-August 1983: German
course, Hanoi University of Foreign Studies
Sept.1979-August 1982: High
school in Nam Dinh, Vietnam
1979: Secondary school in Nam Dinh,
1976: Primary school in Nam Dinh,
July 2008 Participation at
WIPO-WTO joint colloquium on IP law in Geneva, July 01-11, 2008
Dec 2007- Jan 2008 UNDP National Consultant in
Public Finance Project to Review to State Budget Law (CEBA, National Assembly)
May – November 2007 UNTCAD Consultant in E-Regulation
Project in Vietnam to establish the interactive Database for investors
May - July 2006 National Consultant in
World Bank Project: "Corporate Governance, Country Assessment
Jan- Feb 2006 National Consultant,
UNDP Programming Mission to overview donor's activities in strengthening
capacity for elective bodies in Vietnam
September- Oct.
2005 National Consultant,
Overseeing administrative regulation in business registering system in Vietnam,
ADB, GTZ Project to promoting the private sector in Vietnam
April 2005 – July
2005 National Consultant, Skill
Training for Parliamentarians and Councilors, joint UNDP and ONA Project VIE
02-07 “Strengthening the capacity of elective bodies in Vietnam”
Dec 2004 March 2005 National Consultant in WB funded
Research Project “Corporate Governance, Country Assessment Vietnam”
May 2004 – August
2004 National Consultant, Training
Need Assessment and Developing Curriculum for Training Course for
Parliamentarians and local Councilors, joint UNDP and DANIDA and ONA Project on
“Strengthening the capacity of elective bodies in Vietnam”.
Dec 2003 March 2004 National Consultant in ADB funded
Research Project to Strengthen the Capacity of State Audit in Vietnam
Nov - Dec 2003 National Consultant in SIDA
funded Project on Parliamentary Supervision in Vietnam (implemented by the
Office of the National Assembly - ONA)
Oct 2003 Legal
Consultant in ADB Loan Project to Improvement of Capacity for College Teachers
(hired by the Implementation Unit of the Teacher
Training Project Loan No. 1718-VIE (SF), Ministry of Education and Training
Jun. 2003 – Aug
2003 DAAD Visiting Scholar at
Institut fuer Wirtschaftspolitik, University Mainz, Germany
June 12-13, 2003 Research on “Confucianism
and the Conception of Law in Vietnam”, Law Faculty, University of Melbourne,
March 27-29, 2003 Research on “Cultural Aspects
of Property Concept in Vietnam”, Law School, University of Victoria, BC, Canada
December 2002 Presentation paper on
“Property Law in Vietnam” at the Asian Law Conference hosted by the Law
Faculty, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
Sept 2002 – May
2003 Visiting Scholar at Harvard
Law School [Host: Prof Renier Kraakman]
March 1-5, 2002 Presentation paper on
“Legal transplantation – from the perspective of receiving country”, hosted by
Northern Territory University, Darwin, Australia
January 24-28, 2002 Presentation paper on “The legal
regime of exhaustion and parallel imports in Vietnam”, hosted by the Chuo
University and Max Planck Institute of International Copyrights and Industrial
Property Law Munich, Osaka and Tokyo Conference, Japan
May 25 - May 27,
2001 Delivering paper on
“Technology Transfer Rules in Vietnam”, hosted by the Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
Feb. 2001-April
2001: Visiting researcher; Max
Planck Institute for Int. Private Law, Hamburg, Germany
December 2000 Instructor and Consultant
in UNDP funded Project to Training of Staff of the Office of the National
Assembly (implemented by ONA)
July.1998-Dec.1998: Visiting researcher; Stanford
University Law School; California, USA
Oct.1997-Dec.1997: Visiting researcher; Japan
Institute for Invention and Innovation JIII, Tokyo, Japan
Present: Faculty of
Law, Vietnam National University Hanoi (VNU)
Pham Duy Nghia, Company
Law: Case and Commentaries (Textbook for undergraduate program), VNU
Publishers (NXB Dai hoc Quoc gia HN), 2006 (Vietnamese)
Pham Duy Nghia, Confucianism and the Law in Vietnam,
Tu-Phap Publishers, Hanoi, April 2004, 200 pages, (Vietnamese)
Pham Duy Nghia, Economic Law: Textbook for
Postgraduated Program, Hanoi National University Press, 912 pages,
Hanoi, April 2004 (Vietnamese)
Pham Duy Nghia, The Development of economic legal
framework in Vietnam since the Asian crises, The National Politics Publishers, Hanoi, March [2003], Japanese-Vietnamese
Pham Duy Nghia, Vietnamese Business Law in
Transition, (English); The “The Gioi” Publishers, Hanoi, [2002],
415 pages, (Vietnamese)
Pham Duy Nghia, Essentials of Vietnam's Business Law, (English);
The “The Gioi” Publishers”, Hanoi, January [2001], 178 pages (supported by the
Schmidt Foundation, Freehills and Page and the German Embassy in Hanoi), English
Pham Duy Nghia, Introduction
to Vietnam's Commercial Law, (Vietnamese), 2nd edition,
The National Politics Publishing House, Hanoi, September [2000], 448
pages; first edition, September [1999], 371 pages, (Vietnamese)
Pham Duy Nghia, Vietnam's
Commercial Law, Textbook, (Vietnamese), The National University
Press, Hanoi, September [1998], 350 pages.
Chapters in books:
Pham Duy Nghia, Confucianism and
the Concept of Law in Vietnam, in J. Gillespie and P Nelson,
Socialist Transformation in China and Vietnam, Melborne University Press, 2005
Pham Duy Nghia, Transplanted Law - An Ideological and
Cultural Analysis of Industrial Property Law in Vietnam, in
Heath, Christoph Antons & Michael Blakeney, Intellectual Property Harmonisation within ASEAN and APEC, MAX PLANCK SERIES ON ASIAN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
LAW 10, Aspen Publishers, 2004, [ISBN:
Pham Duy Nghia, Exhaustion and Parallel Imports in Vietnam,
in Christopher Heath (ed), Parallel Imports in Asia, Kluwer Law International,
The Hague, London, New York, 2004 [ISBN 90-411-2114-5]
Pham Duy Nghia, Technology
Transfer Rules in Vietnam, in: Christopher Health and Kung Chung Liu
(eds), Technology Transfer Rules in Asia, Kluwer Law
International, October [2002] [ISBN 90-411-9830-0]
Pham Duy Nghia
(ed), Understanding US Law in the context of Vietnam’s regional and
international economic integration, (Vietnamese); The National Politics
Publishers, Hanoi, August [2001] (383 pages).
Pham Duy Nghia, Phan Chi Hieu at al., Business
Disputes Resolution, Textbook for judges training, (Vietnamese); the
“Cong an nhan dan” Publishers, Hanoi, Third Quartal [2001], 189 pages.
Pham Duy Nghia, Nguyen
Si Dai, Administrative Litigation Procedures in
Germany, Translated from W. R. Schenke´s
textbook "Verwaltungsprozessrecht",
Mueller Verlag, 1998 into Vietnamese,
The National Politics Publishing House, Hanoi, April [2000], 550 pages
(supported by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Hanoi).
Pham Duy Nghia, Nguyen Nhu Phat (eds), Vietnamsese
Economic Law, The National
University Press, Hanoi, [1999], 400 pages.
Pham Duy Nghia,
Nguyen Nhu Phat at al., Economic
Law, Textbook (Vietnamese), Chapter VIII “Vietnam's Foreign
Investment Law” written by Pham Duy Nghia, The National University Press,
Hanoi, April [1997], 581 pages.
Pham Duy Nghia,
Nguyen Cuu Viet at al., Introduction to the
theory of state and law, Textbook, (Vietnamese), The National
University Press, Hanoi, [1996], 270 pages.
Journal articles:
the Draft Law-making Law,
Legislative Studies, 2008, March pp 31-35
On privatisation of legal services, Xã hội hóa hoạt
động tư pháp, Tạp chí Khoa học Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội, Chuyên san Kinh
tế-Luật, 2007, Quý III.
Expectation of a renewed Parliament, Mong ước một
Quốc hội đổi mới, Tạp chí Nhà nước và pháp luật, Tháng 07, 2007, tr.
Waiting for implementing guidelines of LOE 2005, Chờ
hướng dẫn thi hành Luật doanh nghiệp 2005, Tạp chí Khoa học pháp lý, Đại
học Luật TH HCM, Tháng 08, 2006,
Major changes in German company law in comparison to
Vietnam Law, Sự thay đổi trong pháp luật công ty CHLB Đức trong so sánh
với pháp luật công ty Việt Nam, Nghiên cứu lập pháp, 2006, số 7, tr.
54-57, 60
challange of responsive state: Thách thức của chúng ta: Một nhà nước thiếu năng lực phản ứng, State and
Law, NNPL, 2006, No 5, tr. 3-9
Das neue Wettbewerbsgesetz in
Vietnam: Wirtschaftspolitische Hintergründe, Entwicklung und Probleme
[The new Competition Law in Vietnam: Background, Development and Issues], WuW, September 2005, pp 704-714
the 60 years of legal heritage of Vietnam since 1945, Journal State and Law, August, 2005, pp 3-9
Duy Nghia, On the competition among local authorities in Vietnam in
economic policies, Legislative Journal, July, 2005, pp. 23-24
Duy Nghia, On the Role of legal prefessional association in law making
process, Journal of Legal Science, HCM City, June, 2005
Duy Nghia, Making sausages or gio lua: a law making retreat, Legislative
Studies Magazin, NA Journal, 2005, No 1, pp 42-46
Pham Duy Nghia, Commercial Legal Framework in Vietnam since
the Asian Crisis: Development and Issues, International Business
Lawyer, Vol 32, No 4, August, 2004, pp. 175-181
Looking for the
philosophy of bankruptcy law,
Legislative Studies Magazine, Office of the National Assembly, [2003] [11/2003] pp 35-47
Land use right and the real estate market, State and Law
Journal, 2003, Nr. 10, pp 15-18
Monopoly from antitrust law perspective, Legislative Studies Magazine, Office of the National Assembly, [2003]
Nr 9, pp 56-63
From Assumptions to risk management and handling with
information asymetry in contract law in Vietnam, Legislative Studies Magazine, Office of the National Assembly, [2003] Nr. 5, pp. 38-47.
From self justice to the right on claims: Why business
people mistrust the economic courts in Vietnam, Legislative Studies Magazine, Office of the National Assembly, [2003],
Nr. 3, pp 45-55
Business Networks:
Concept and Reality in Vietnam,
Journal State and Law, State and Law Institute Hanoi, Vietnam [2003],
Vol. 2, pp. 37-47
Neue Unternehmensgesetz in Vietnam:
Entwicklung, reformfreundliche Bestimmungen und Probleme, Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft,
Heidelberg, [2002], Nr. 12, pp. 912 -917.
Property in Vietnam: Concept, Economic Importance and Enforcement, Legislative
Studies Magazine, Office of the National Assembly, [2002], Vol. 12, pp
Property Right:
Foreign experiences and Lessons for Vietnam, Legislative Studies Magazine, Office of the National Assembly, [2002],
Vol. 11, pp
Transplantation of
foreign laws – chances and challenges for legislative studies in Vietnam, Legislative Studies Magazine, Office of the National Assembly, [2002],
Vol. 5, pp. 50 –58.
The role of land
law in controlling land fevers,
Journal State and Law, State and Law Institute Hanoi, Vietnam [2002],
Vol. 5, pp 34 –39, 51
On the transparency
of the law – one aspect of the rule of law, Journal Democracy and Law, Ministry of Justice, [2002], No
1, pp 6-7.
development policies for the capital – Foreign experiences and suggestions for
Vietnam, The legislative Studies
Magazine, February [2002], pp. 32 –38.
“On the amendment
of Chapter II of the Constitution 1992”,
Journal State and Law, State and Law Institute Hanoi, Vietnam [2001], No
9, pp. 33 – 35.
“Small adjustment,
but big impact – views on the Constitution amendments”, The legislative Studies Magazine, September [2001], pp.
19 –23.
“On the Law on
antitrust and competition in Vietnam”;
Legislative Studies, May, [2001] pp. 31-37
“On the US Rules on
Industrial Property”, Journal State and
Law, State and Law Institute Hanoi, Vietnam, May [2001] pp. 29-36
“Competition law in Vietnam: Importance and
suggestions”, Journal State and Law,
State and Law Institute Hanoi, Vietnam [2000], No 11, pp 29 –36.
“On the relation
between civil and economic court’s procedures”, Legislative Studies, [2000] No 8, pp. 58 – 65.
“On the criminalization of commercial cases in Vietnam”, Legislative Studies, [2000], No 6, pp 30 - 43.
“Legal impact of
the economic integration on the commercial law in Vietnam”, Journal State and Law, State and Law Institute Hanoi, Vietnam [2000],
No 6, pp. 9-19.
“Critical review of
the business disputes resolution in Vietnam”, in: LERES, “Business dispute resolution and bankruptcy”, The “Giao thong van tai” Publishers, June, [2000], pp. 61
“The Law on
Enterprises – New legal regulations for private enterprises”, in: LERES, “Policies, law and other supporting measures for
promoting of small and medium sized private enterprises in Vietnam”, The Hanoi
National University Press, [May 2000], pp.76 –88.
“The commercial
Code and the Future of the Economic Law in Vietnam”, Journal of Science of Vietnam National University, Legal
Studies, [1999], No 1, pp 22-29
“On the competition
and anti trust law”, Journal State and
Law, State and Law Institute Hanoi, Vietnam, [1999], No 8, pp 24-36
“On Technology
Transfer Contracts under the laws of Vietnam”, Journal State and Law, State and Law Institute Hanoi, Vietnam [1998],
No 1, pp 36-45
“A number of main
issues concerning Technology Transfer Contracts under the Laws of Vietnam”, Journal State and Law, State and Law Institute Hanoi, Vietnam [1997]
No 10, pp 9-16
Other articles:
For a small state and
big civil society: intervention versus direct conducting business Saigon Economic Times (Kinh te Saigon), No 39-2001 dated September 20, [2001],
p. 20
Business Law –
Current development and challenges”,
Vietnam Investment Review, (Dau tu),
Special Issue to Lunar New Year [2001], pp. 26 -28
“Tax fraud or smart
business”, Entrepreneur Forum on
Weekend (Dien dan doanh nghiep cuoi
tuan), dated August 28, [2000], pp. 29, 37.
“Fraud and abuse of
goodwill”, Entrepreneur Forum on
Weekend, dated September 10, [2000], pp. 10-11.
between fraud and advertisement”,
Entrepreneur Forum on Weekend, dated September 17, [2000], pp 10 -11.
“The rights of
consumers”, Journal Enterprise
(Doanh nghiep), [1999], No 10, pp. 14-15.
“On the law on advertising
activities of enterprises in Vietnam”,
Journal Enterprise, [1999], No 7, pp. 18-21.
“On the legislation
related to the investment of Vietnamese enterprises in foreign countries”, Journal Enterprise, [1999], No 5, pp 25-26.
“On the competition
law in Vietnam”, Journal
Enterprise, [1999], No 4, pp 26-28.
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